本專輯為世代之聲系列第二場,《永恆之歌-排灣族安坡部落史詩吟詠》現場影音紀錄,演出曲目以時間軸及歌曲的社會功能分類,透過樂舞展現部落對外在環境的文化適應,並內化、融合成獨特的排灣智慧;這部史詩紀載的不僅是排灣族安坡部落的歷史,更是承載在部落文化中的臺灣歷史。 This album is a live recording of Songs of Eternity-Epic Tunes from Paiwan People in the Djineljepan Tribe, the second production of the Sounds from across Generations concert series. The songs performed in the concert were sorted by their social function chronologically. The dance and music clearly demonstrated how the tribe adjusted itself to outer cultures and internalized them to unique Paiwan wisdom. This epic, Songs of Eternity, documents not only the history of the Djineljepan Tribe, but also Taiwan history amid the tribe’s culture.