臺灣國樂團隸屬於國立傳統藝術中心,是文化部轄下的國家級國樂團。係由國內國樂界菁英組成,矢志探索傳統、立足本土、擁抱當代,藉由創作為臺灣傳統音樂扎根,用演出傳遞臺灣美學品味,以提升臺灣傳統及當代音樂為目標,以國際為舞臺,用醇厚的音樂深化臺灣之美。臺灣國樂團前身為1984 年教育部成立之「國立藝專實驗國樂團」,2012 年5 月因應文化部成立,更名為「臺灣國樂團」。
近年來逐步推動「用國樂訴說臺灣最美的故事」、「在地取材、取才」、「以音樂連結世界和臺灣」等理念,建立臺灣國樂團的品牌精神。臺灣國樂團的演出,融合戲劇、舞蹈、美術、詩歌、文學等各類元素,兼具創新與傳統,多年來定期出版音樂CD 專輯,《臺灣四季》、《心花兒開滿年》、《心動.聲動》、《藍色的思念》、《樂繫古今‧韻迴三十》、《Mauliyav 在哪裡?》、《傾聽~臺灣土地的聲音風景》、《花漾寶島》、《生聲相傳》、《陣頭傳奇》、《越嶺~聆聽布農的音樂故事》、《凍水牡丹》、《臺灣迴音》均獲佳評,成果斐然。
Administered by the National Center for Traditional Arts, the National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO) is the national-level Chinese orchestra to come under the Ministry of Culture. It brings together some of the finest talent in the Chinese music community in Taiwan, and is dedicated to preserving tradition, while also embracing contemporary Taiwanese culture. Through producing and performing original work that draws on traditional Taiwanese music, the NCO taps into the allure of local music. The objective is to give prominence to both traditional and contemporary Taiwanese music on the international stage, for all to enjoy. Formerly the National Taiwan Academy of Arts Experimental Chinese Orchestra under the Ministry of Education, the National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO) was first established in 1984. In May 2012, after the establishment of the Ministry of Culture, the National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO) formally adopted its current name.
In recent years, the NCO has strived to use traditional music to recount the best stories Taiwan has to offer, selecting local material and talent that can connect Taiwan with the rest of the world through music. The ultimate aim is to build a brand of orchestral music unique to Taiwan. The NCO incorporates a variety of other elements into its performances, including drama, dance, painting, poetry, and literature, giving their work a style that blends the innovative with the traditional. It has also released a number of CDs over the years periodically, include “The Beautiful Taiwan”, “The Joyful Taiwan”, “My Heart Leaps Up”, “By Way of Remembrance”, “NCO 30th Anniversary”, “Where is Mauliyav?”, “Listen to the Soundscape of Taiwan”、 “Taiwan in Bloom” 、“Passing of Sound” 、“The Legend of Parade Formation Performance” and “Sing, Pray, Pasibutbut-A Bunun Nusical”.
As the NCO is committed to promoting traditional music, every year it goes on public tours to communities and schools in Taiwan to enrich the lives of local audiences through music. It has for a long time now served Taiwan well as a cultural ambassador, performing its enchanting music in many cities in Europe, the United States, and Asia.