
《赤子》臺北木偶劇團|2025臺灣戲曲藝術節 宣傳影片

  • 分類:傳統藝術綜合
  • 發布日期:2025/01/13
  • 影片長度:00:01:00
  • 上傳單位:臺灣戲曲中心

夢想未赴開花,我猶原欲拚殺到底 《赤子》以「臺灣第一才子」呂赫若棄文學、從革命的人生故事為原型,從架空的朝代下,用布袋戲富含隱喻的表演手法,激發觀眾對自身土地的共鳴與反思。虛實交替的情節、冷熱並替的場面、以及當代聲音藝術的加入,都讓《赤子》一劇跳脫傳統布袋戲框架,展示藝術與敘事的新面向。 臺北木偶劇團從革命者徒勞無功的終局,笑看俠義精神的傳承。 Taipei Puppet Theater “The Innocents” A historic Taiwanese literary genius who became a political revolutionary. Drawing inspiration from a generation of Taiwanese talents, the plot reflects the futile uprisings throughout Taiwan's history. With allegories to modern political movements, the protagonist gives up his writing to resist an imperial government subjugating the people. He escapes to a mountain village where the villagers fight their oppressors, and then confers his talent upon the village chief’s daughter, another historic figure. The seemingly absurd tales of real figures are crafted for the stage in this original production showcasing Taiwan’s “Budaixi,” traditional Beiguan and Golden Ray puppetry; classical Beiguan music; live orchestra; sound design; and shadow projections. 演出製作/臺北木偶劇團 戲劇顧問|張啟豐 製作人|林永志 編劇|施如芳 導演|伍姍姍、李勻 共同發想|蔡逸璇 布袋戲演師|吳聲杰、廖群瑋、林瑞騰、王祥亮 樂師|林永志、謝琼崎、林璟丞、劉士聞、林宸弘、李庭安、周于甄 音樂設計|林永志 聲響設計|Jorge Bachmann 燈光設計|陳為安 舞台設計|林昭安 音響技術指導|陳韋錡 服裝設計|林玉媛 光影設計|林彥志 舞台監督|官家如 製作經理|黃馨玉 劇團行政|林珈帆 售票連結: https://www.opentix.life/event/1867501095139762177