

  • 臺灣作曲家簡介手冊8-柯芳隆.jpg
    作者: 趙菁文(撰稿)╱國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館
    出版日期: 2015-12-01
    出版商: 臺灣音樂館
    書籍類別: 圖書,知識/工具書
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-986-04-7814-3平裝
    GPN: 1010403540
    售價: 100元
  • 柯芳隆,作曲家;1947 年 6 月 30 日出生於臺中大安。畢業於德國柏林藝術大學 (Hochschule der Künste Berlin),專任於國立臺灣師範大學音樂系,曾擔任系主任,亦曾擔任臺灣現代音樂學會理事長,2002 年榮獲第 25 屆音樂類吳三連獎。諸多作品如《哭泣的美人魚》、《兩千年之夢》、《二二八安魂曲》等,表達對臺灣環境變遷的省思及撫慰傷痛的歲月,致力關懷鄉土,不遺餘力。 KE Fang-Lung (KE Fang-Long) is a famous composer. He was born on June 6, 1947 in Taichung County's Da'an Township. He graduated from Hochschule der Künste Berlin in Germany and subsequently became a professor in the music department at National Taiwan Normal University, serving as its chair for a time. He also served as president of the International Society for Contemporary Music's Taiwan Section. In 2002, he won the Wu San-lien Awards in the music category. Many of his songs, such as "Weeping Mermaid", "Year 2000 Dream" and "Requiem for the 228 Incident", represent profound reflection and serve as forms of consolation for the suffering of people in Taiwan throughout all of its historical changes. He has devoted his life to expressing concern for Taiwan, his native land.