

  • 臺灣作曲家簡介手冊9-錢南章.jpg
    作者: 林京美(撰稿)╱國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館
    出版日期: 2015-12-01
    出版商: 臺灣音樂館
    書籍類別: 圖書,知識/工具書
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-986-04-7815-0(平裝)
    GPN: 1010403548
    售價: 100元
  • 錢南章,作曲家;1948 年出生於江蘇常熟。運用現代音樂技巧,融合古典音樂的特色,作品《詩經五曲》曾榮獲中山文藝創作獎,並連續以《擊鼓》、《馬蘭姑娘》獲得第八、第九屆金曲獎最佳作曲人獎;2002 年則以《佛教涅槃曲》得到第十三屆金曲獎最佳作曲人獎、2005 年《號聲響起》獲得第十六屆金曲獎最佳作曲人獎。曾獲得第九屆音樂類國家文藝獎。 QIAN Nan-Zhang was born in Changshu, Jiangsu in 1948. He is a composer. Qian uses modern compositional techniques, fusing them with the characteristics of classical music. His “Five Pieces for the Book of Songs” was awarded the Sun Yat-sen Culture and Art Composition Award, while “Beating Drums” and “Madame Malan” both won the Golden Melody Award. In 2002, he won a Golden Melody Award for Best Composer for his “A Piece for Buddhist Nirvana.” In 2005, he won Best Composer again for “Sounding Voice of Numbers.” Qian has also been awarded the National Award for Arts in the music category.