《臺灣音樂憶像V-傳承‧綻放》收錄郭芝苑、許常惠、錢善華、謝隆廣、潘皇龍、趙菁文、蕭慶瑜、吳睿然等八位臺灣作曲家的單簧管作品,曲目涵蓋單簧管獨奏、單簧管與鋼琴二重奏,以及木管五重奏、單簧管八重奏與協奏等不同室內樂形式;每首作品各有獨特的樂思,映照了作曲家的生命經歷,以及對臺灣音樂素材的迴響,反映臺灣音樂界多元、容納各式創作能量的無限可能。 The album, Taiwan Music Image V—Inheritance. Efflorescence collects the clarinet works from the following eight Taiwanese composers—Chih-Yuan Kuo, Tsang-Houei Hsu, Shan-Hua Chien, Long-Kwang Hsieh, Huang-Long Pan, Ching-Wen Chao, Ching-Yu Hsiau, and Ruei-Ran Wu. The types of chamber music ensembles range from clarinet solo, clarinet and piano duo, woodwind quintet, and clarinet octet and concerto. Each piece has own unique motive, reflecting its creator’s life experiences and the music materials from this land, and showing the endless possibilities the Taiwanese music industry allows.