本專輯為世代之聲系列之首場製作,《趣.書中田-阿美族馬蘭部落音樂劇》現場影音紀錄,以楔子加四幕音樂劇的形式,唱出部落的傳統與再現;阿美族以樂舞見長,歌謠中凝聚著深厚的祖先智慧與精神意涵,是臺灣、甚至是全世界重要的文化資產之一。 This album is a live recording of Ata, Taila kita i O’mah (Fun.The Knowledgeable Field)-Musical from Amis People in the Falangaw Tribe, the first production of the Sounds from across Generations concert series. In an opening and four acts, the musical well displayed the tribe’s tradition. The Amis tribe is best known for their music and dance. They encapsulate the great wisdom and spirit of the ancestors into their songs, which become one of the crucial cultural assets of Taiwan’s, even the world’s.