
簡嘉儀 Chien, Jia-Yi

  • 專長:工藝,竹工藝–籃胎漆器
簡嘉儀 Chien, Jia-Yi

於民國99年參加李榮烈藝師開設之竹編公辦班,至此踏上籃胎漆器的學習之路。於民國105 -108年擔任李榮烈藝師竹工藝籃胎漆器傳習計畫之傳習藝生。持續精進技藝並致力於籃胎漆器的推廣。

Chien began her journey into bamboo-body lacquering in the year 2000, when she enrolled in a bamboo weaving course by Master Li Rong-lie that was open to the public. Chien served as a trainee under Master Li Rong-lie from 2016 to 2019 and she continues to hone her craft while promoting this important traditional art.


