

  • 白水dvd-外標紙.jpg
    作者: 彭宏志
    出版日期: 2024-01-01
    出版單位: 臺灣豫劇團
    書籍類別: 視聽資料,視聽(戲劇類)
    ISRC: TW-G1A-22-52003
    GPN: 4511300001
    售價: 300元
  • 繼2020 年實驗豫劇《試妻! 弒妻!》,臺灣豫劇團再度與導演林明霞合作這齣以傳統戲曲為基底,進行改編的當代音樂劇《白水》。以田啟元的代表劇作《白水》為演繹文本,音樂設計由知名音樂家周以謙老師擔綱;除了四位經典角色白素貞、許仙、法海與小青貫穿全戲引領敘事,更進一步嘗試將傳統豫劇,與歌仔戲( 秀琴歌劇團)、聲樂歌隊(chorus),以及當代互動藝術、影像結合。 田啟元的《白水》,改編自中國民間故事《白蛇傳》最精彩的篇章〈水漫金山寺〉,劇作家將其重新編寫成了現代劇場形式的作品,文本本身夾雜著京劇、詩化散文,台詞具有多層次意象與豐富的音樂性。而仿效希臘神話歌隊(Chorus) 的加入,在環繞著白素貞與許仙所發展出的情節之外,提供了辯證、評判、回應的客觀視角,也讓《白水》獲得更多元的詮釋與觀看。這也是臺灣豫劇團與導演林明霞在耕耘「傳統戲曲當代演繹」這條路上,在疫情後新時代的2022 年挑選田啟元的《白水》,進行重新搬演之心意。 Following the huge success of the experimental Bangzi theatre “Test the Wife! Murder the Wife!” in 2020, Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company once again collaborates with Director Lin Ming-xia for this year’s new production “The White Waters.” “The White Waters” is a contemporary musical stemming from Tien Chi-yuan’s classic play “White Serpent,” in which we integrate Bangzi opera with Taiwanese opera, Chorus, interactive installation and multimedia in attempt to reinterpret traditional Chinese opera in the contemporary context. Aside from having four brilliant leading actresses performing the four main characters Bai Su-zhen, Xu Xian, Abbot Fahai and Qingqing, we are honored to work with the renowned musician Zhou Yi-qian as the music director. Renovated from the chapter “The Flooding of Jinshan Temple,” the climax of Chinese myth “The Legend of White Snake,” Tien Chi-yuan incorporates Chinese opera tones, prose poetry into “White Serpent,” which contributes to the enjoyment of imagination and musicality of this play. Chorus is another significant element Tien Chi-yuan adopts as it provide alternative perspectives for audience to reconnect with this famous story. While having continued on the journey of “reshaping traditional Chinese opera for the contemporary” over the years, it is our intention to present “The White Waters” with you at this moment, the beginning of this new post-pandemic era.