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Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center

Classical interdependence   Natural symbiosis
Virtual freehand   Agile Convertibility

Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center (TTTC) is the performance venue in Taipei of the National Center for Traditional Arts (NCFTA). The GuoGuang Opera Company, National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (NCO), and Taiwan Music Institute have established their presence here. TTTC is the first professional theatrical venue to feature resident performing groups and a multi-purpose facility suited for artistic and cultural exhibitions and performances, art education and cultural and leisure events in Taiwan. its simple and flowing architectural style nevertheless implies operatic aesthetics of boundless possibilities. Its main structures, based on the traditional elements of a table with two chairs that comprise the core stage props of Traditional Chinese opera, are inverted and transformed into a fresh and fashionable condensed classical form that actively explores the contemporary new meaning of opera in line with our changing times.

Following up with the vision of NCFTA, TTTC is committed to invigorating the professional artistic and cultural performance environment. As the home of traditional performing arts groups, TTTC provides strong backing through comprehensive provision of production resources, facilities and performance spaces of high standards. The campus of the Center comprises the Main Theatre, Experimental Theater, 3102 Multi Hall, 3201 Multi Hall, International Conference Hall, audio-visual booths, and open spaces provide multi-functional uses that allow different theatre companies much freedom to experiment with artistic forms.

Official website: Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center

  • Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center Experimental Theatre
  • Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center Main Theatre
  • Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center Event