張昊,作曲家;1913 年出生於湖南長沙,2003 年逝世。年幼時常聽隔壁農家拉二胡唱戲,長兄張瑩擅長胡琴,蕭等樂器,遂教張昊學習二胡,並學會唱「工尺譜」,十七歲考入上海國立音樂院,使得張昊在西式音樂教育上有很深的基礎。1946年,公費留學法國,對於法國近代作曲家梅湘有深入的了解,並以代表作默舞劇交響詩《大理石花》榮獲中山學術文化基金會的文藝創作獎。
Chang Hao was born in Changsha, Hunan in 1913. As a young child, he listened to the sound of his neighbor playing erhu (Chinese fiddle) and singing traditional opera pieces. His older brother, Zhang Ying, was good at playing erhu and xiao (vertical bamboo flute), and eventually taught him how to play erhu. He also learned how to sing gongchepu (traditional notation). He was accepted into the Shanghai National Training School of Music at the age of 17, which gave him a thorough understanding of Western classical music. In 1946, the Chinese government issued him a scholarship to study in France, where he developed a deep appreciation for the modern French composer Olivier Messiaen. Zhang won the Culture and Art Composition Award from the Sun Yat-sen Culture Foundation for his pantomime symphonic poem “Marble Flower.” He died in 2003.