馬水龍,作曲家;1939 年出生於基隆。當今重要作曲家,有「音樂獨行俠」之稱,作品《孔雀東南飛》曾獲中山文藝音樂創作獎,《梆笛協奏曲》更入選為中華文化促進會評選之「二十世紀華人音樂經典作品」。連貫古今、融會東方與西方音樂技法及理念上的多方嘗試,對日後臺灣音樂的發展深具啟發性。1999年榮獲第三屆國家文藝獎音樂類獎項。2015年逝世享壽76歲。 MA Shui-Long was born in Keelung in 1939. He is an important contemporary composer, and is often called “the lone musical warrior.” His composition “Peacocks Flying to the Southeast” was awarded the Sun Yat-sen Culture and Arts Music Composition Award. Ma’s “Bang Flute Concerto” was included as one of the “Classic Music Compositions by a 20th Century Chinese Composer” by the Chinese Culture Foundation. His works connect the antiquity with the contemporary and link the musical techniques and concepts of the East and the West, providing inspiration for the future development of music in Taiwan. He won the National Award for Arts in 1999.