潘皇龍,作曲家;1945 年出生於南投埔里。畢業於瑞士蘇黎世音樂學院,並在德國漢諾威、柏林專攻作曲。1982年返國服務,歷任國立臺北藝術大學學生事務長暨音樂學院院長。潘皇龍曾獲德國尤根龐德作曲獎、臺灣吳三連先生文藝獎、國家文藝獎。作品由國內外著名樂團,諸如柏林愛樂管弦樂團、法國龐畢度文化中心現代音樂室內樂團、英國阿笛悌弦樂四重奏團等演出。
PAN Hwang-Long (PAN Huang-Long) was born in Puli, Nantou in 1945. In 1974 Pan studied composition with Hans Ulrich Lehmann and Robert Blum in Switzerland. After graduating in 1976, he studied composition with Helmut Lachenmann and Isang Yun in Germany. In 1982 he returned to Taiwan and became professor in Taipei. He has been Dean of Student Affairs and was elected Dean of School of Music at the Taipei National University of the Arts. Pan was the winner of the Foerderpreis des Juergen Ponto Kompositions Wettbewerbs, the Wu San-Lien Award and National Award for Arts. His compositions have been performed by numerous Orchestras and Ensembles including the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Ensemble InterContemporain/IRCAM/, the Arditti String Quartet, the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, the Kroumata Ensemble, Klang Forum, and Gaudeamus Music Week, ISCM/WMD, ACL/AMF, Presences, Hoergaenge Wien, Berliner Festspiele, Alaska Crosssound Music Festival and A. Tansman Music Festival.