
105年-106年 音樂人才培育的創新計畫─「大師門徒與夥伴計畫」



本計畫分為「大師與門徒組」及「作曲家與演奏家夥伴組」。「大師與門徒組」由與臺灣音樂館締結合作與合製的國際組織,如匈牙利彼得.艾特沃許當代音樂基金會(Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation)TPMC法國現代音樂協會(Paris Tout Pour la Musique Contemporaine),參與青年創作門徒創作培力;「作曲家與演奏家夥伴組」則為建立創作與演奏雙向學習管道,媒合入選的創作者與演奏者,透過中長期的創演合作,增進對彼此專業更深入的理解,最後以協同創作展現成果。所有大師門徒與夥伴計畫之培訓成果都將與未來臺灣戲曲中心及臺灣音樂館之重要國際交流活動或展演規劃緊密連結,落實臺灣音樂館作為臺灣音樂發展基地的目標。 


Mentor and Partnership Program

As an affiliated agency of the National Center for Traditional Arts that is dedicated to the promotion of traditional arts in Taiwan, the Taiwan Music Institute has been tasked with specifically cultivating local talent in the arena of music. To achieve this task, the Institute launched an innovative program in 2016 for talent cultivation titled “Mentor and Partnership Program” to strengthen global networks and build an international platform for composers and musicians to share their works and ideas. The program aims to provide new opportunities for them to release their works and gain exposure through more sophisticated channels and networks. The emphasis on the interactions among artists, music, and their environment is also a unique approach considered to be the first ofits kind in Taiwan. The training and coaching program is expected to generate output that will elevate Taiwan’s music scene.

The program is offered through two categories – “Mentor” and “Partnership.” The former targets young and promising composers and musicians by offering mentorship from the Institute’s international allies such as the Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation in Hungary and Paris Tout Pour la Musique Contemporaine. The latter segment takes a different approach by providing the time and space for young composers and musicians to learn from one another. Composers and musicians selected for the “Partnership” portion of the program are paired for long-term collaboration to gain insight on their respective fields of composing and performing music. The program then ends with a public showcase of their collaboration.

The training and coaching results of the program are also incorporated into international festivals and concerts organized by the Institute, which is headquartered at the Xiqu Center of Taiwan. From mentorship and collaboration to public exposure, the talent cultivation program will help solidify the Institute’s role as the driving force of music creation in Taiwan.

